Safety is a huge concern for us, as we know it is for parents. Our transportation department coordinates bus and transportation schedules for the district. If you have questions about bus drop-off or pick-up times, please contact us.
Please read the following information regarding student transportation and also late student pick up.
Transportation changes must be made no later than 2:15 p.m. for DSES, TES, WWES, and TVHS and 3:15 p.m. for RFMS. Please contact the front office at your site. Do not contact your child's teacher. Following this best practice will ensure that your child will be given the proper directions.
If your student has not been picked up from their school within 90 minutes of dismissal the authorities will be notified unless proper communication has been made with the front office. If the nurse or office called regarding a child not feeling well, please note that it is requested to pick them up immediately. Please work with your office staff to communicate in these situations. If the child has not been picked up within 90 minutes of dismissal the authorities will be notified. We understand situations occur and request that you contact the school immediately if you are unable to pick up your student in a timely manner.
Department Staff
Melissa Sutton
Transportation Dispatching & Routing Specialist
(623) 474-5152
Diane Gonzalez
Transportation Director
(623) 474-5153
Bus Expectations
In order to ensure the safety of all, we expect students to follow some basic rules while riding the bus:
Horseplay is not permitted.
Students must remain in their seats at all times.
Keep the bus aisles clear at all times.
Respect bus property.
Our highly qualified bus drivers enforce these rules. In the event of a problem, we will contact parents. For the safety of others, we will not allow repeat offenders to ride the bus.
Bus Routes
Our transportation department is working diligently to provide the most up-to-date information.
Beginning fall of 2022:
TES becomes a 'walking' school except for students from Sun Valley Pwky and SPED students who will be transported.
DSES will be a 'walking' school except for SPED and preschool students who will be transported.
There is an activity bus planned to continue from RFMS/TVHS to TES/DSES, likely with a departure around 5:30 p.m.
Please use the following link for your student's bus route.